IAI case study
Case study description
The main role of
a Flight Control computer is to implement control loops based on computations
of Command values to Servo actuators controlling the air vehicle
surfaces. These computations are parameterized by the actual values provided
periodically by different sensors installed in the air vehicle.
This system is critical and requires a
very high reliability. For achieving this reliability, we realize the avionics
system using a triple redundancy of the different Sensors and Flight
Control Computers.
The software
installed in the Flight Control Computer has different modules. Our case study
will focus on one of them: Voting And Monitoring. The role of this
module is to:
Provide persistent sensors values resulting of sampling 3 sensors
Monitor the healthiness
of the sensors, based on successive comparison of sensor values
Monitor the healthiness
of the computers, based on successive comparison of the produced command values
The environment
of the “VotingAndMonitoring” module is described below.
The actors for
VotingAndMonitoring are:
Sensors: 3 (identical)
elements providing specific information needed by the Flight Control loops:
angles, velocities, accelerations, etc.
FC: software module, which
gets sensors values and servo-actuators status as input together with commands
from the Pilot or the Controlling station. It implements control loops and
outputs Commands to servo-actuators
Channels: 2 other computers; exchange with present Computer
the computed commands values
Health System: software
module which gather information on the good operation of the avionics system
and authorizes/forbids usage of the system components especially sensors and
RTC: Real-Time Clock;
synchronizes the 3 computers and marks the beginning of a new computation
On the basis of
this case study , IAI has used and done some evaluation of 3 tools :
- The Weizmann
“LSC Play Engine”
- The Verimag
Using Play
Engine (Weizmann Institute)
The Play Engine tool is a tool for
user-friendly editing of LSC’s ( called play-in) , for the verification of
consistency of LSC’s by interactive simulation (called play-out) and for
synthesis of states machines from LSC’s
The IAI case study has been reduced and
simplified for fitting the tool limitations and the case study version that was
used on the LSC Play engine consists of one channel and three sensors .
GUI : The
first stage was to define the objects of the system and to design an appropriate
graphical user interface for capturing the system behavior (see below) .
Play in :
Using the “Play-in” facility, the system behavior has been captured.
Play out : The “Play-out” function
was activated for animating the model and checking its behavior. RTC
button is used to simulate a real-time clock time of the system and initiating
a cycle model behavior. By
clicking the switch, the Play-Engine identifies and displays all the LSCs that
are activated by this action. If the conditions of a chart are met, the
Play-Engine executes the chart; if the chart requires another user action, for
example, pressing a key, the system waits for that action to be input. Each new
user action may activate additional charts. As each event is executed, the GUI application
reacts accordingly, showing the relevant changes
Smart Play
out: For verifying the algorithm, we defined existential charts (stating
a false behavior) and the smart Play out proved that this existential chart
cannot be satisfied.
The LSC Play Engine tool was found very
useful and efficient for the Play-in and Play-out functionalities. The smart play-out module was added to
the Play-Engine only recently, and is therefore less robust than the rest of the
Play-Engine implementation. Another of the main
problems is the tool ability to handle larger systems (scalability).
Using RUVE
The RUVE tool (Rhapsody UML Verification
Environment) is a tool used for
verification of a UML model. It is integrated into the Rhapsody environment and is based on evaluation of “system configurations”.
A system configuration is an evaluation of all the attributes of all the live objects in the system. This comprises in
particular the active states of the reactive objects’ statecharts.
The main services of the RUVE are the “drive-to-state” and
“drive-to-property” tasks. For these tasks, the RUVE generates a prefix of a
run which leads to a system configuration with the wanted state or properties
if such a run exists, otherwise it indicates that the state or property is not
This is done by checking all the possible runs of a Rhapsody design starting at the step bound
-just after the initialization phase, i.e. after all objects (except for
events) have been created and all reactive objects statecharts have taken the
transition originating at the root state’s default state.
In order to run the tool with our case
study we needed to seriously simplify the model and reduce it to only 4
statecharts and 12 classes focusing in this
way on the non real time issues in the model. We first used the RUVE for
verifying that we reach some of the typical states (“Acquire”,”Done”,…) by
using “drive-to-state” services. We also used the RUVE tool for performing
some verification of the voting algorithm. Namely, we checked some properties
like :
“If for the current cycle a correct sensor is
ignored, then the failures counter (monitor) increases by one” . This
property was checked by defining a new
attribute to store the previous counter value and by defining a configuration
in which the difference between the counters is 1 while the sensor is correct
and voting algorithm has found it “to be ignored” for this cycle . Execution
of the verification case reached indeed a system configuration satisfying the
property and displayed the corresponding trace .
“For at least one of the correct
sensors, the difference to the calculated value is less or equal to Tolerance/2
” . This property was checked and proven in a negative way : we defined a
configuration expressing the negation of the property i.e: “For any
of the correct sensors, the difference to the calculated value greater than
Tolerance/2” so that, the output of the verification tool should be “is
not reachable”. Indeed , the execution of the verification case did not reach
any system configuration satisfying the property.
Using IF
IF is a tool for verification of time-related
properties and scheduling analysis. It takes into account the Omega real-time
extensions and represents the UML model by a set of extended timed automata.
The consistency of a model can be tested by interactive or exhaustive
simulation. Properties, expressed as Omega time constraints or observers
. Observers are special objects that run in parallel
with a UML system and monitor its state and the events that occur. Observers
are described by special UML classes stereotyped with <<observer>.
They may own attributes and methods and may be created dynamically.
With the IF tool, we wanted to verify
time related properties of our case study. In order to do so, we have modeled
the timing aspects of the system with Rational Rose, as using Rhapsody posed
problems with the export of the action language part and also with the timed
annotations. The model used for timed verification is based on the same state
machines, but the functionality (in particular the voting mechanism, including
the health monitor) has been omitted ; on the other hand, all objects are
active, and here we have taken into account two CPUs.
The model was
extended with timed specifications : we defined time triggered actions and
time - consuming activities of variable duration. There was no problem in exporting
the model to XMI and importing it into the IF.
Case study (new) specification
The case study
covers 3 Sensors , the Muxbus and the System comprising 2 CPU’s :
- The Sensor
objects (see statechart below ) perform “idle-isFailed-acquire-sample”
50msec cycles , in which “acquire” state represents the physical
measurement of the sensor , “sample” state represents the
treatment of this measurement till the data transfer to the Muxbus and
the generation of evWrite(n) events . The randomly transition from
isFailed to Ready or Acquire expresses possible
errors of the sensor
- The Muxbus
object , receiving an evWrite event , reads the data to its memory
and generates evDataReady(n) event for each one of the Nodes
- The Node object
, receiving the evDataReady(n) events , invokes the trigger read
of Muxbus for transferring the data from Muxbus to CPU and after
reception of the data values from the 3 sensors , enters the compute
state in which it performs its job ( sensor voting, sensor value computation
,monitoring…) Note that at least 2 sensors are needed for a normal
The time specifications are the
For a Sensor:
o Acquiring of physical measurement requires 0.5 to 3 msec
o Treatment and transfer to Muxbus requires 0.1 to 0.5 msec
For the Muxbus
o Writing data from Sensor to its memory requires 100 to 200 usec
o Reading data from its memory and provision to CPU requires 50 to
100 usec
Case study modeling (main statecharts)

Figure 0‑1 :
Sensor Statechart
Figure 0‑2: Muxbus
Figure 0‑3 : Node (formally the System class)
Figure 0‑1 : Sampling time limit observer
Other observers have been
defined :
- “Entering
Error state” Observer : This Observer checks
that : if the system has gone through error state , at most
one sensor was OK . This is obtained by counting the generations of evWrite
events (expressing that the sensor is OK) and by checking that in case the
system has entered the error state , the counter value is less
than 2 .
- “ Time difference” Observer : This
observer evaluates (t timer) the time delay between the read of the
same sensor from Muxbus memory by two different Nodes (due to bus
occupation and checks that this time is less than the expected limit .
In order to work
with the IF tool we had to remodel our case study since the tool doesn’t work
with Rhapsody. We simplified the model and deleted all un-timed aspects of the
model including the main algorithms – voting and monitoring. We did add a lot
of timing information and made all objects active so we could explore concurrent